The Islamic machine


 In this article I present my, some say eccentric, ideas on what Islam actually is and why I think it is dangerous, also to Muslims.



The model

1 The general theory

1.1 Conditioning
1.2 Cognitions
1.3 Emotions, cognitions and the anatomy of the brain.
1.4 The Normal Distribution.

2 The special case: Islam

2.1 conditioning in Islam
2.1.1 The start of the conditioning
2.2 cognitions in Islam
2.3 The machine

3 Islamic upbringing

3.1 How do I raise my child in the Netherlands? - Shaykh Suhayb Salam




 Islam seemed to be a very complicated subject when I wanted to study it. When I found out more about it, however, the opposite appeared to be true. It is not a complicated, but a very large subject with a number of ideas that are exactly the opposites of the core ideas of the western civilization, formed by Christianity. Also the opinions of experts like Arabists, theologians, politicians, journalists and historians differ widely. Therefore, to formulate an informed opinion one must do one's own research.

 However, it requires some perseverance to do so. In the beginning, the image is blurred, and it is difficult to find a start. It's like trying to find your way in a strange city, in a foreign country and in a thick fog. Who, for example, opens a Koran and begins reading it does not understand what it is about. The Koran cannot be read like the Bible; There are no stories with a storyline and a protagonist. In the Koran, it is Allah himself, who is speaking and He apparently assumes the reader knows what He's talking about when he talks about certain people and events. The thick fog is also a result of some texts which mean something completely different from what the reader, who is shaped by the Christian culture, intuitively assumes. When a Muslim says Jesus also appears in the Koran is this in itself correct; the non-Muslim can for example, interpret this as meaning the Passion, the heart of Christianity, also appears in the Koran but the opposite is true. Islam explicitly denies the Crucifixion.

 Only when one persists an image of what Islam really is, appears. Most people interested will probably give up because the first obstacle takes too much time and energy.

 Islam is known as one of the three great monotheistic religions, and my expectation was it would be something like Judaism and Christianity; spiritual, philosophical, with stories and rituals. When the fog lifts this proves to be not the case at all. Islam is not spiritual, on the contrary, it is very physical and there is no philosophy in the Western sense of the word. When Islam is stripped of his verbosity, a simple mechanism appears which everyone can recognize. Islam seems to be designed to ensure the jihad, the struggle against the infidels, will continue to proceed. My conclusion is Islam is a threat to non-Muslim societies.

 The text includes links to both internal and external pages, marked with blue text or (&) . These are intended as additional information and illustrations.


I The model


1 The general theory


1.1 Conditioning

 Learning behavior, including emotional reactions, is called conditioning in psychological jargon. There are two main schools: classical conditioning (Pavlov) and operant conditioning (Skinner). In this website the theory of Pavlov is used as an explanatory model. The work and the theory of Pavlov are extensive, but the basic idea is animals, including man are born with an innate behavioral repertoire which consists of reflexes. For example, a mammal is born with the reflexes that are needed to be able to drink milk. These are unconditioned reflexes. When the animal grows the behavioral repertoire is expanding. This is done through the further development of the nervous system and the learning of new behaviors; called conditioned reflexes.

 The classic example is the experiment with the dog, the food and the bell. The experimenter gives the dog food and rings a bell. The dog produces saliva (unconditioned reflex). After a couple of trials the experimenter rings the bell without presenting food and the dog produces saliva (conditioned reflex). The dog has learned, is conditioned, to respond to the bell. The food and the bell are called the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus respectively. Here the unconditioned stimulus is a pleasant or positive stimulus, but conditioning is also possible with unpleasant or negative stimuli.

 Some (emotional) reactions are innate, but many are taught. The fear of snakes seems to be innate, but the fear of bears is not. A bear is a dangerous animal and this must be learned from the reaction of others in a confrontation with this animal. Man has relatively few innate reflexes in comparison to animals. How a cat experiences its feces is unknown, but it buries them; this behavior is innate or instinctive. Excreta is experienced as "dirty" but this is not an innate reaction; it has to be learned. A small child finds what it produces very interesting at first; it learns excreta is "dirty" through conditioning.


1.2 Cognitions

 Ideas, knowledge and concepts are developed when the child grows up. There are several theories on the cognitive development of man. A well-known and influential one is the theory of Piaget. This divides cognitive development into four successive stages which each have their own characteristics.

These are:

1) the sensorimotor stage, 0-2 years,
2) the pre-operational stage, 2-7 years,
3) the concrete operational stage, 7-11 years and
4) the formal operational stage, 11 years and older.

 Of interest here is the difference between stage 2 and 3. In the pre-operational stage the thinking of the child is intuitive and self-centered; in the concrete operational stage the child begins with logical thinking, develops the ability to differentiate between self and others and is able to follow rules.


1.3 Emotions, cognitions and the anatomy of the brain.

 In the brain different areas with different functions can be distinguished. The two structures which are of interest here, are the limbic system and cerebral cortex. (&)

 The limbic system supports many functions, including adrenaline, emotion, (instinctive) behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction. The emotional life is largely housed in the limbic system, and it has much to do with the formation of memories.

 The cortex plays a role in memory, attention (visual, auditory and tactile) perception, thought, language and consciousness. The processes in the cortex are the primary processes in cognitive development.

 The limbic system is in the evolutionary sense older than the cortex. Only mammals have a cortex; lower animals have to do without one what makes immediately clear on what these structures differ: the cortex is much more flexible than the rest of the brain. Behavior of lower animals like reptiles consists largely of innate reflexes while mammals can develop a much larger behavioral repertoire because they can easily learn new behaviors.

This difference between the two structures, also has the effect emotions alter only with difficulty or not at all while cognitions can change almost instantaniously.

 Take for example the difference between fear of flying and the idea that an object falls faster as it is heavier. Although the feeling of threat at fly-anxiety in anyone who participates in traffic on the road is objectively irrational and the victim knows this, it cannot simply be discarded. Quite different is the idea of Plato that the weight of an object determines how fast it falls. Everyone thought this very plausible until Galileo Gallilei did his thought experiment: if a heavy object H and a light object L are attached to each other, this creates a problem. The total weight of H + L becomes more, so (H + L) should fall faster than H, but because L falls slower H would have to be slowed down and (H + L) should fall less fast than H. The explanation of Plato cannot be correct and the idea, the concept, cognition, changes immediately and effortlessly.

 There is an interplay between emotions and cognitions. Emotions are much stronger, more compelling determinants of behavior than are cognitions as anyone knows from experience; love is blind and "pull yourself together" is in most cases not very helpful. When emotions and cognitions conflict the emotion often is decisive: "I am on a diet but, ..


1.4 The Normal Distribution

 People vary in the extent to which they have certain characteristics. One is stronger than the other, more intelligent, more impulsive and so forth. Many of these properties are distributed in a population in accordance with the normal distribution. In a population large enough, one can predict with a high degree of certainty how many individuals have a lot, about normal or not much of a particular property. (&)


2 The speciale case: Islam

2.1 Conditioning in the Islam

 The most important book of Islam is the Koran. The Koran claims that it literally comes from Allah Himself and therefore is true and immutable.

In the Koran it is Allah Himself, who is speaking. Three themes are found throughout the Koran. In addition, some references to stories from the Bible, the Talmud and maybe other sources are made with the assumption the reader knows what's going on.

The three themes are:

Here is a visual presentation using these colors.

 The Koran is meant to be recited (&) making it an instrument to condition people. Reciting these verses is conditioning and the exact mechanism, classical conditioning (Pavlov) or operant conditioning (Skinner), is an academic matter.

 (Theme 1) The idea of hell is very simple; it is literally being in the fire. In the hell the damned drink boiling water. Almost everyone will have experienced what it is like to burn one's finger. The hand withdraws in a reflex, the pain is intense and lasts a long time. Almost everyone will have experienced what it's like to burn the lips on a hot drink and how it feels when swallowed While it is too hot.

 The idea of hell will surely evoke a strong fear response.

 The idea of heaven is equally simple; it is a place where greenery and shade are and through which rivers flow. Again, this is directly connected with the experience, especially people from the area where the Koran originates. They certainly know the contrast between the desert and the water places.

 (Theme 2) Allah is presented as a kind of super dad. He likes and protects the faithful and cares for them. At the same time he threatens to abandon unbelievers. The idea to be left arouses terror in a child; it is an innate fear with a clear function: to be separated from the group is fatal in nature

.  (Theme 3) The Koran is obsessed with non-Muslims. They (non-Muslims) are portrayed as willfully disobedient to Allah, not to be trusted and dangerous to the true believer. This also causes a fear response. Belong to a group, being accepted is a basic need; hence in-group out-group differentiation is in the innate behavioral repertoire of humans. There seems to be a neurological basis for this; "A few fear responses in humans seem to be innate. Around the eight' month of development, for example, a child usually becomes capable of distinguishing the familiar face of his mother. At this time the infant reacts with anxiety to the face of a stranger (eight-month anxiety, stranger anxiety)." - Kaplan & Sadock: Modern synopsis of psychiatry DSM III -."

 If you have kids, you probably know this from personal experience. The child suddenly becomes anxious without having had negative experiences with strangers. The cause is the normal healthy development of the nervous system.

 This is conditioning. Responses are evoked with the aid of one learned and two innate reflexes.

 Muslims use Sura 1 for their daily prayers. It consists of these three themes:

SURA 1. The Beginning (Al-Fatihah)

1. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
2. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
3. The Beneficent, the Merciful.
4. Master of the Day of Judgment.
5. Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone)we ask for help.
6. Show us the straight path,
7. The path of those whom Thou hast favoured - not the (path of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.

(Translation: Marmaduke Pickthall)


 Two physiological mechanisms which are likely to play an important role are the relaxation-response and the fight-flight response.

 The relaxation response can be evoked through meditation and / or prayer. The effects of meditation have been extensively studied by Dr. Herbert Benson. (&)
 The fight-flight response is triggered by a confrontation with a threat. The organism must choose between entering the fight or avoiding it. (&) Theme 3) the non-Muslim is dangerous .. is ideally suited to evoke this response.


2.1.1 Start of the conditioning

 The conditioning with the Quran begins when the child is in the pre-operational stage. Web sites sometimes mention the age. This site recommends age 4-5 as starting age

 In this stage , a child learns intuitively; it cannot understand what is actually recited. It still learns in a similar way it has been toilet trained; this happens with most children between 2-4 years (&) . The child learns by sensing moods and emotions, especially from those in the primary habitat. The semantic meanings of words play no role; it is the "music" that counts. I saw a nice illustration of this during a presentation of the movie Fantasia. At the start of Night On Bald Mountain (&) a child on the lap of the mother started crying. In the beginning there was nothing scary to see but the music expresses anxious tension. The child may react to the emotion of the mother or perhaps directly to the music.

 The Koran has been translated into many languages. The Muslims believe that only the Arabic version holds authority, because it are the words of Allah, dictated to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Hence translations are entitled "The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an," "The Holy Qur'an The Dutch interpretation of the language of meaning" and so forth

 Experts say that a large percentage of Muslims do not know what is in the Koran. This may be true, but this does not mean the Koran has no effect on those Muslims. Sounds and movements (made by the imam and other believers) may convey meaning and emotion much like actors and musicians can. Take for example the opening theme from Jaws; it is very simple yet very powerful. The public is prepared by clever marketing and though there is nothing scary to be seen, the atmosphere of impending doom is unmistakable, especially in a crowded movie theater. Here is an example performed by the Boston Pops led by John Williams. Notice the laughter of the audience at the beginning. I think it is nervousness; What is your diagnosis?

 Children are very good at detecting emotion. It is a survival mechanism. They're copycats by nature because they need to learn what things can be eaten, what things are dangerous, and so forth, by observing adults. Some coping mechanisms are innate; fear of snakes, for example, but most must be learned. People have no innate fear of hippos yet this is one of the most dangerous animals out there. The fear is learned by experiencing the response of an adult in a confrontation with this animal. The raising of a young child is mainly done with emotion and not by cognitions; the child in the pre-operational stage thinks magical and does does not understand.


2.2 Cognitions in Islam

 These are the teachings and the content of Islam.

 Islam has doctrines, a detailed ideology and a legal system which obliges all Muslims to fight (jihad) against non-Muslims, in order to subjucate them to the Islamic order. This is a fact and someone who says that this is not the case does not know what he is talking about or is lying; it's that simple.

 Since the truth of the above statement is of great importance to the question of what to think of Islam, I encourage the reader to verify this himself. That's easier said than done. As I mentioned in the introduction, it is like wandering in the fog, walking around in a foreign city. Asking the way, as we Dutch do, (we try to speak the language of the land) does not help. Some figures know where they are and point in the right direction, some do not know and point inadvertently the wrong way and some know and point in the wrong direction. In any case, it is wrong to only listen to other peoples opinions. When one does that one can easily become a victim of propaganda.


2.3 The machine

 The Islamic machine can be described by a model consisting of three components: conditioning, cognition and the number and percentage of Muslims in the population .

The conditioning ensures, among other things, that Muslims do not mix with non-Muslim populations. They do not integrate (as a group). Islam conditions the people to perceive non-Muslims as threatening which triggers the fight-flight response. When a sufficient number & percentage of Muslims in the population is reached, this will inevitably lead to conflicts.

 Cognitions seem designed to throw oil on the fire. For example, the idea that Allah will weight your good deeds and bad deeds using scales sura 21 verse 47. When your bad deeds outweigh your good deeds you go to hell. There are two ways to take insurance against Allah's hell; emigrate in the name of Allah and slay or be slain for Allah. Sura 4, verse 100 and Sura 9, verse 111 (&)

 The model is suitable only as an explanatory model at the level of populations, not at the level of the individual. If someone says to be a Muslim, one cannot know with certainty how he experiences the world; it need not be he sees an unbeliever as a threat, it is only more likely he does. Only when a sufficiently large population with a sufficient percentage of Muslims is the subject one can say with certainty that there will be enough individuals to wage jihad, the struggle against the infidels.

 The following section provides a detailed example of how the conditioning works in practice. You can consult the Internet for more examples of cognitions and of course read Islamic literature yourself.


3 The Islamic Upbringing


Islamic upbringing


 The imam Shaykh Suhayb Salam from the Al Fitrah foundation (&) in Utrecht, explains in a video (&) how the upbringing of Islamic children in the Netherlands should be done. Below is the text translated from Dutch with comments inserted by me. These are blue: comment .

 The text is not verbatim because the imam often makes sentences which are not correct. To a Dutchman it is in most cases obvious what he wants to say, but a one on one translation is too difficult for me. Also it would,together with my somewhat odd use of the English language, generate an unwanted allo allo effect(&) .

 The reader / listener will see here a detailed illustration of how the Islamic machine described by me is manufactured. Anyone can verify for himself what the outcome will be when enough Muslims do what the imam recommends. Here's how the conditioning by Islam is done and the imam states crystal clear what the intended result is: segregation. This imam is not an extremist as Muslim leaders tell the non-Muslims. They do this to create smokescreens and confusion, so we, the non_Muslims will remain complacent, and not see the truth. Again, the reader is strongly recommended to investigate for himself what he is dealing with and to form his own opinion. My websites have been created to encourage you to do so.

 A paradoxical reasoning

 The name of the foundation is Al Fitrah and this produces a striking paradox in the reasoning of the imam.

 Fitrah is a concept in the theology of Islam and there is no direct translation. The Christian faith has no similar concept, at least not that I know. The idea is that every child is born with the awareness that Allah is the only true God. When the child is born into a non-Muslim community the fitrah is not lost, but the innate sense is suppressed by the heresy in which the child is born. This is normal; the child follows its teachers and takes their faith. Islam describes this process with terms like mutilation, deformation and the like. When the child matures, the influence of parents and teachers gets less and the still present fitrah will cause the non-Muslim to realize Islam is the true faith.

(At first sight this is not something to worry about. The idea could fit into any religion. Fitrah, however, gets a very different meaning, and hence the name of the foundation, when you know that one of the dominant themes in the Koran is that those who disbelieve, know better, but persist in their denial of Allah and his Prophet out of pernicious motives such as greed, laziness and the like (theme 3)

 The paradox will be clear after reading the following text.



3.1 How do I raise my child in the Netherlands? - Shaykh Suhayb Salam video

 00:30 the text has been cut into pieces of about 1 minute to facilitate retrieval
Dear brothers and sisters. Of course you know it is impossible to explain how to raise your child within 30 to 45 minutes. But I will give some guidelines which are of great importance to, as well as essential in, raising your child.  01:16 I'll start by talking about the purpose of the upbringing. We were talking about activities and the purpose of activities is the satisfaction of [can not understand]. The purpose of the upbringing is also evidently the satisfaction of [can not understand]. The beauty and magnificence of this single goal is that when you only pursue one goal you have a stable psyche, have a stable personality, have a stable mind, have stable decisions. That you have peace, you have affection for you have only one concern rather than a lot of worries and that is the satisfaction of a [can not understand] .. If this is your goal, then it will also be easier for you to look for the way to achieve that goal. Because there is only one way to achieve that goal, one way to achieve that goal and that is the order of a [can not understand].

 02:45 Actually, in all your life experiences and in giving meaning to your life you should always deal with [Arabic]. That is the logic to which all [Arabic] all, not just us but did create everything [Arabic probably eulogy to Allah]. We worship Allah [can not understand] only according to the rules of the Prophet [Arabic].

 03:19 Source of upbringing. What is the source of upbringing? The only source of upbringing is the revelation. There is and can ne no other source other than the revelation [probably Allah] revealed to the Prophet [Arabic]. Can you imagine the Prophet [Arabic] wants to bring a message to the Muslims to non-Muslims before they become Muslims. That means the Prophet [Arabic] has been given a way to communicate this message, so it goes without saying, we accept his art of communication. The Prophet [Arabic] also received a way to educate people with this call. That means pedagogy can only be accepted from the Koran and the Sunna. It would be an imperfection if [Arabic] did not give a means to the Prophet [Arabic] to educate the people. Indeed the Prophet [Arabic] has been given a more difficult method of education than most of us need to perform.

 04:53 Because there are two upbringings: You have a children's education and you have an education for older people to be re-educated. The young or the elderly and the Prophet [Arabic] does not come to children. He came to the young and the elderly so he had to remove the bad habits and what most people mistook for customs and culture and even religion. The bad habits had to be removed and new habits had to be created which eventually shaped the leaders of the world. And those were the first of the Sahawa the companions of Muhammad who were present in Mecca.  05:42 So the only source of education is the Prophet [Arabic] or the [Arab] who came to the Prophet [Arabic]. What is education? Education is the practical formation of the inner and the outer self. The practical formation of the inner and the outer self. Very often, very often when we talk about upbringing we want to talk only about appearance. How can I get my child to calm down? How can I get my child to do that? To pray, to obey his parents, not to hit his brothers and sisters. We are always just looking for cosmetic, quick fixes that ultimately, will be of no avail except provide short-term solutions.

 06:58 What is the essence of education? The essence of education is that you start by raising the inner self, raising of the heart. The Prophet [Arabic] started like this too. The Prophet [Arabic] [inaudible] revealed Al Quran, in two phases as we all know, in the phases of Mecca and Medina. These two phases are not a coincidence, these two stages are adjusted to the natural ability of the human being. Man is made to only move towards something if he loves it. And he distances himself from what he abhors. Hence, when the Quran and the Sunna descended the [Arabic]; if you take a good look at it, it is all about paradise, hellfire, the signs of Allah, the attributes of Allah, the name of Allah, about ancient peoples; how they dealt with the obedience of their Prophets and how Allah [Arabic] approached and treated them.

 08:30 So the first [ayat] was about inflaming the heart and raising the heart. If we think about education and begin to practice, we must start with the education of the heart. Why? Because the education of the heart is the essence and foundation of the education of the limbs. The limbs are nothing more than a reaction to what is in the heart. [Arabic], says the Prophet [Arabic].

 9:20 There is a lump of flesh in the body; if that is righteous, the whole body is upright. If it is corrupted, the whole body is rotten. Truly, it is the heart; so education starts with the heart. In the way you are going to the heart, the heart will carry out the processing. I don't know what the imam is trying to say with this sentence Then, after the heart is purified, and subsequently educated according to the requirements of [Arabic], then comes the education of the limbs. Look at the Prophet [Arabic] he says in the [Hadith] [Arabic] in other words: command your children to pray when they are seven years of age. start concrete operational stage In another hadith, he says, teach your children the prayer when you are seven years old. That means, if you take the two Hadith together, the parent is required to teach and command to learn what the outer, worship is from seven years onward.

 10:45 [Arabic] is the greatest outward worship. But are there no inner worships we need to perform? Such as [Arabic] the acceptance of the law of Allah, such as love for Allah and for the sake of Allah. Like there are very many worships from the inner self.

 11:08 How can the Prophet [Arabic] command men from seven years onwards to teach their children to perform a prayer without first shaping the child's inner self? That's impossible and therefore it is an implicit obligation, an implicit requirement is that you raise your child ( not sure what the imam is trying to say using his emotion), so he knows how to control his emotions, what he should not have, and what he should abhor. How he must love something. How he must detest something. At what level he must loathe something and at what level he must love something from before he leaves the mother's womb. From when his soul is blown into his body until he is about six, seven years old. before the concreet operational stage.

 12:18 If you planted this thoroughly in the child [Arabic] in other words the creed, the [Arabic], you can then start learning external worship. Otherwise, what will happen and what we see very often and nowadays is actually becoming a phenomenon, is that people 17, 18 years old and sometimes a bit older, and sometimes younger come to you and say, so why should I pray? Who is this Allah for which to pray? What does he do for us? Why do I spend so much time for Him?

 13:07 And that's not a fairy tale I tell you. We have come across this very often. Alas. And there are sometimes even parents with children, I'm not talking about Dutch parents, I'm not talking about parents who are converts. I'm talking about originally Muslim parents, no matter what ethnicity they are, coming over with their children to us where the child is, for example 13, 14, and says: I believe in nothing. You believe in what you want, I'm free to believe what I want to. I don't believe in anything. People 14, 13 years of age.

 13:56 It is therefore important we look at the general obligations and the means and methods of the Prophet [Arabic] and do not forget where we are. Where we live. We live in a non-Islamic country where we are being fought constantly in our religion without us knowing it. Very often without us knowing, and sometimes we know when Wilders Dutch anti-Islam politician opens his big mouth again, or some other people, then we find that we are being fought. But we are DAILY being combated without us noticing it, unfortunately.

 14:57 Look at school. If your child goes to school, the first thing that is done with your child is that its essential processing system is destroyed. What is the essential processing system? Every human being works with a system. That system is the same as an operating system. For instance, something like Windows. Something like Windows or for those who have Apple Mackintosh or IOS. This processing system regulates the heart and the body.

 15:48 What is that? That's [Arabic] What is [Arabic]? [Arabic] is loyalty and [Arabic] is enmity or repugnance. Why? Everything you love, dear brother and sister, you go near. Move towards; which is the standard definition of the entire universe. [Arabic]. Even branches move with love. Even the flower, no doubt you've seen it in school. You turn the pot and then the flower, since the sun is over there, for example, and then the flower will do this. the imam makes gesture: "leans that way" . Why? Because the profit for the flower comes from the sun.

 16: 46 And that is why the flower loves the sun more than it loves the shade. So even this movement is through love. And the brake is by disgust. How is this system of your child destroyed? By impressing on it: everyone is equal. Muslims, Jews, Christians, all equal. As long as you do not steal, as long as you do not lie, as long as you do not do crazy things, everyone is equal. And if your child a has Christian teacher than he/she talks about paradise, everyone goes to Paradise says the teacher according to the imam. He does not agree with that. According to Islam only Muslims will go to paradise. Unbelievers will burn in hell no matter how good a person they have been. So Mother Teresa, Henry Dunant, Florence Nightingale and so forth burn in hell except those who lie or do bad things, rape people. Then the whole processing system of your child is destroyed.

 17:50 Why? Because Islam says and teaches us the opposite. Islam teaches us that whoever [Arabic] pleases, he will succeed. And that the one who does not please[Arabic] will lose. So the scales are not what pleases Allah, but the scales are everyone is equal. Very often you can hear brotherhood, freedom, that's, that's the motto of the Freemasons. Brotherhood, freedom, equality. That means you have no principles or are allowed have. To have principles is taboo. To call for it is even more taboo.

 18:45 Indeed. Non-Muslim psychologists have a specific definition, which is, advice is dirty. You cannot advise people. Because then you are brainwashing them. According to them. What should you do? Have a listening ear and say to them: do what what suits your feeling what makes you feel good. Who can translate in Islamic terms? Response from the audience ... worship your desire. Worship your desire. Not worship Allah [Arabic]. One of the Muslims came to me or one of the brothers, saying [Arabic] my psychiatrist tells me that I should pray. I say, why? He says, yeah I .. He says I .. I .. I tell him that I feel good while praying, so he gave me, he said to me, yes you should continue to pray. For, as long as it makes you feel good, you should pray.

 20:00 What does that mean? He did not say to you: pray. He says to you: worship your desire. As long as you feel good when you pray means if it does not make you feel good you should not not pray. So what is the balance? The scales are [Arabic] you make a God of your desire. And that's what they want to achieve. But we do not know that. Look at cartoons. The animated cartoons which are day and night presented to our children. How much Buddhism do they present? Just look at the colors. Look how beautiful Buddhism is made to appear. Theme 3 the imam ascribes malice and bad intentions to the non-Muslims

 20:58 Not only that, but also, for example, that everyone is equal. Colored. We need to live together colored. Of course, we must live together colored, but everyone has his own religion [Arabic]. And that is what they are trying to avoid. So what should be our response? Actually, it is a shame that we have to react. We are waiting for action until we have to react to it. But it is important that the Muslim thinks very carefully about this. A child goes out of the house; sees all sorts of filthy images outside. He is looking at a cartoon; he sees all sorts of crazy things and without him AND you are aware of it Buddhism is planted in him. The [shirk] cardinal sin in Islam is planted in him.

 21:52 The [kuffar] disbeliever / non-Muslim is planted in him, dirty deeds are planted in him, sexual acts are planted in him, without us knowing it, accepting homosexuality is planted in him. Without us being aware or know this. How should we respond to this? We must know that as long as we are here, we cannot lock our children up. Some people say yes, lock the children up, let them not go out, no television, no this, no that, no.... That's an impossible action. Eventually you will raise criminals. Why? You lock them up, they do not know why they are imprisoned. They do not know why they are isolated and finally they get the urge to take it back double in a sneaky way, or even worse ways. How are we to deal with that?

 22:52 We must establish a type of education, here in the Netherlands, which is different from what the [sahaba] had in their time. The source and the goal are the same as the education of the [sahaba] but why do we need to make some adjustments? We need to educate with what is called in Arabic: [Arabic] which is to establish a protection-upbringing. What is a protection-upbringing? It means you have to raise your child in such a way that he knows how to handle all these sins and [shirk] and bad and immoral things.

 23:54 Because you cannot isolate yourself. What you can do. What you can do is that you can prevent and cure. How do you prevent? I just talked about the child from the moment the soul is blown into his body up to six or seven years, which is actually the period when his feelings are formed. His entire time will be based on this. What does that mean? That means that what is engraved in him at that time, implanted in him, he takes with him for it the rest of his lifetime. These years it you should very, very intensively educate him with the [Arabic].

 25:00 First thing you should do is to teach him who is Allah? The first thing the [sahaba] did is, when their children started to talk at the beginning of the pre-operational stage is [Arabic] Before you teach him mom, dad, Dada ... . [Arabic] Put his hand up in the air and say to him [Arabic]. Those are the first words he has to learn. The first link that you have to give him is the link between him and Allah [Arabic] And of course, there are a lot of things to do before this. You should, of course educate yourself with your partner. And find the right partner. And deal with your partner in the correct way.

 25:55 Resolve problems with your partner in the correct way. Eat [halal] food, drink [halal]. Dress [halal]. These are also all things that need to be done, but I do not sum up all of them because I have limited time. So the first thing you do is teach him, linking him with the [Arabic]. Then you start to learn: Who is Allah. You start to give him some names and some properties. Then teach him, why [Arabic] why are we here on earth? Why has God created us? Then you teach him ... Who's going to teach us or who is the one who teaches us how we should worship Allah. Then you are going to teach him this is the Prophet [Arabic] You will make him familiar with him and so on.

 26:55 Then you are going to teach him the existence a [Arabic] and a [Arabic]. [Arabic] scales, which the [Arabic] and the [Arabic] weights against each other. And then you explain to him that all people who do good get [Arabic] if they do it for Allah. And all who do bad deeds get [Arabic]. In this way you equip him with the right scales. The scales which are also used to weight the [Arabic]. Next, you clarify for him what happens in paradise. What happens in the hell fire. There is also a [Arabic]. How do we deal with that? How do we deal with the [Arabic]? And that he is our enemy. How does the [Arab] deal with us? How do we fight with the [Arab]? How should we perform [Arabic]? These ideas are not suitable for a child in the pre-operational stage. Heaven, hell, devil, assessment, and so forth, are concepts which can be understood fully only at the formal operational stage. A toddler is too young for this. The child thinks magic and cannot understand the reasoning behind this theology. What is being conditioned are his emotions Have we made a mistake, what should we do after a mistake? Must we perform [Arabic]? Apologize to the people?

 28:05 These are the steps you use to shape, one step at a time, the way your child feels. That there are Muslims and that there are [kuffar], oh yes, you should also teach that here in the Netherlands, yes of course, especially in the Netherlands you have to teach that. There are Muslims and there are [kuffar]. And that the [kuffar], if they die with their [kuffar] they will go to the hellfire. And as Muslims, if they die with their Islam, they go to paradise. Not the official doctrine, being a Muslim does not guarantee paradise, but this is on purpose; the imam speaks to parents who have to raise children; jihad comes later and then the scales are explained without the guarantee ==> War or emigration So make him well aware that there are good people and bad people. If he has learned these basics, then you teach him how to deal with the Muslims and how to deal with the [kuffar].

 28:56 Does this mean I must point to someone who is [kuffar] every time? Should you say, hey, he goes to the Fire? No. So you teach him how to deal with his feelings but also how to deal with his appearance. What should he do with the [kuffar]? He must wish the best for them by calling upon them. How do I call upon them? First learn the Islam and then you can call to them. I am not telling fairy tales, brothers and sisters. These methods have been tried by several families, which booked 100% success with the volition of [Arabic]. Why? Because that's the right way which also suits the natural inclinations of humans.

 29:49 There are also Muslims. Good Muslims and not so good Muslims. You teach him this too. People who commit major sins are less good Muslims. People who do not commit major sins are better Muslims. How do you deal with that? With your inner self, by your heart, and also by your appearance. But how do I do that? You must first acquire self-knowledge. You must first acquire knowledge .... the Prophet [Arabic] dealt with it. How the [sahaba] dealt with it and that's the biggest problem. The biggest problem is not with the children but with their parents. Parents are today, dear brothers and sisters, the largest threshold Allah is witness, the biggest barrier for many practicing brothers and sisters, are the parents.

 30:47 It is not society, not the [kuffar]. There is no oppression here; We're not in the Soviet Union where we are oppressed and where we are not allowed to fast, for example, or are not allowed to pray. We do not live in a country like that. So there is no oppression in the Netherlands. By whom are we oppressed? By many parents, many parents and many mothers and fathers. Why? Because many of them have refused until now to gain knowledge. Feel they are too good for it or too old, or so I must learn religion in my old days? I know it, I know how to raise children, but let the police raise us, our children, educate them. How? By beating them. How often have we heard that? The police do not let us raise our children. It is good that the police will not let you raise. Probably the imam means it is not the job of the police or the community to raise children. The problem the imam addresses here is a cultural problem and has nothing to do with Islam Parenting is not only beating.

 31:52 So it is important we gain knowledge of our rules; then acquire knowledge, how we should raise our children in this country. After you have shaped him how he feels about it, eventually, he will choose his friends in the right way. You have to spend not much energy, you have to make an effort, but a small effort. He will also worship Allah [Arabic] appropriately, correct himself. I'm also talking about my own experience. A child, for example, does something, he nourishes his own conscience. A child who does something; Then, after you've taught him repeatedly that if he does something Allah [Arabic] looks at him and he should show immediate repentance. If you tell him the [hadith] which tells us the angel [Arabic] does not write in your book until six hours after you have committed this [Arabic]. If you do this [Arabic], asked forgiveness for this [Arabic] there is no problem. If you have not asked for forgiveness, then Allah, uh, or the angel will write this.

 33:24 If you teach this it is a competition between him and the angel. Who is first? The angel or he. Does he ask forgiveness before the angel starts his writing? Then he himself will eventually [Arabic] go and ask for forgiveness from the person if he did something, to his brother or sister or whatever has done. He himself will know this is a person with whom I have become friends. For he prays, because he worships Allah because he loves Allah. This person I need to get away from because he does not worship Allah. He does not love Allah. Why? Because his heart is shaped like that.

 34:14 If you do that you plant him this protection-upbringing. And then it's easier to continue this until puberty and after puberty. But if you do not equip him with this education, only teach him that he must not lie to his parents, must always obey his parents, that is always about his parents and loyalty to his parents and then the loyalty to people. We should not do that so people do not say that about us. We should not do that so we are not put to shame by the people. What do you actually teach such a person? Such a person will learn to be a hypocrite. Such a person will learn actually the essence of the criminal.

 35:05 And then we wonder why our, most our children are criminals? It is a logical process so it is very important we think better and consider what we do better and gather more knowledge about the rules of Allah [Arabic], and also how we educate ourselves before we educate the children. After that we also educate our children. Thus, the shaping of the emotional time, which is the most important time. Then you start to teach him the right way depending on what he needs at that moment. Emotional time: the pre-operational stage.

 36:01 Some people, for example, we look ahead as well. Sexual education. Where do our children get sexually educated nowadays? At school or at home? Who says home? Raise hands. At school? Who says school? ... At school? .... The sexual education; is it not true that we should do it the Islamic way? Where did Pete and Johnny and Harry and Sjaan and so forth, learn the Islamic way of sex education? At school our children are learning homosexuality is permissible in Islam. And they even harass Islam and say Islam accepts homosexuality. Our children are being taught this filth.

 37:02 while you .... My child is at school what he learns, it is probably OK and I am not interested in what my kids learn in school. Our kids even get the theory in Islamic schools. ..of What? .... From Darwin ..... On Islamist schools. ....... Is not it time to wake up to take back our own upbringing in our own hands? The sexual education must begin at home. Yes, shame, oh shame, shame on you? Until your child eventually [Arabic] not [Arabic] commits or comes home with a bulging belly. You know very well what a shame. Shame to be used appropriately for the sake of Allah [Arabic].

 38:03 If we ourselves are truly ashamed we will teach our children how to deal with their sexual feelings. In the Islamic way. Not say to him, here you have a condom and go out and [Arabic]. What a shameless sister, I see on TV: yes, I teach my child that he must always carry a condom [Arabic]. He should always carry a condom. He will do it anyway, so why I am going to forbid him? It is better not to forbid. We are manipulated like that nowadays. People with headscarfs, a sister with a headscarf on Facebook who experiences the church as a warm sensation.

 38:56 who calls on Muslims to go to the churches. We must wake up brothers and sisters. We are combated by sides which we did not expect. Gather knowledge, be keen, do not think all is well. Nothing is well. Until you [Arab] yourself and your children behave correctly. Sex education, again, the mother has to deal with her daughter. How she should avoid certain things. How they should handle certain feelings. How they can not deceive themselves. The father with his son. That's not a taboo. This is no shame.

 39:55 The women in the time of the Prophet [Arabic] asked the Prophet [Arabic]: does the woman have a wet dream as a man has a wet dream? These things have nothing to do with shame. These things, if one is ashamed, then one learns these things in the right way. The communication between us and our children should be increased. The attention we give our children should become much better. One of the biggest problems, causing many moslimas to wind up in the [Arab] is the father gave them no attention. Why? They are looking for a father figure. A figure they can trust, a figure they can tell everything. Who is on their side.

 41:03 Sisters in puberty are different than the brothers in puberty. Sisters in puberty need attention. Talk a lot. Need warmth. They need someone to listen to them. Where is the father? The father wants to have nothing to do with it. Shame. That's not shameful. The mother too wants to hear nothing about it. Those are things that are not allowed, or at least they think, to talk about. Who is this girl going to talk to? With someone outside the home. There are enough wolves. There are enough hyenas. Outside. And the prey is very easy. So the communication and contact between parents and child should be much more open.

 42:02 We, the young generation has to realize this. If many among our older people are less aware of this, we, the young people must be aware because we are the next generation. We are the ones who have to educate our children at this time. Our relationship with our children must be much closer. So you can say to your child: I love you. I was two, three days ago I was somewhere. I called home, I got my kid on the line. He said, what are you doing? I say sitting. He says, what do you do when you sit? Teach your child to ask more questions, think more about life. What are you doing? I'm thinking. What are you thinking? Did you ever hear your child say; Dad, what are you thinking about?

 43:04 what are you thinking about? I say, I am now thinking that I love you very much. He says, yes? I say yes. He says, I'm going to do what my mother asks me. Recently, he actually embarrassed himself by being disobedient to his mother. Or crossing ... well. [Arabic] (comment from the audience) Yes, but look, that's not the big problem. (Comment from the audience) brother (comment from the audience) Yes

 44:07 I'll repeat the question. The brother says: One of the major problems he encounters, or at least he sees is that they tell the children at school: when one is eighteen then one is free. Then your father has no say over you anymore; then you are free to do what you want. Please try to follow my argumentations here, brother. When your child learns how [Arabic] is satisfied and this is his purpose in life, and if you coach him in it and you support him in it; do you really think that, when he turns eighteen, he will listen to these people? Impossible. (Comments from the audience)

 45:06 Right, right. (Comment from the audience) yes, very well put, when the parents do not fulfill their parental obligations where parents think: everything is fine when he is at school, gets high marks, when I buy Nikes for him, if he gets the right clothes he wants. Most people think this is the upbringing. If we do not perform the emotional education correctly, the intellectual education properly. The sexual education is not properly done and we do not learn how the child can protect itself against external temptations. For example, if he goes outside, he looks dirty pictures. Nudity is everywhere in the Netherlands. If he is not looking at an image, he only has to look at other people. How do you teach him to detest this, first, and then protect himself as well.

 46:04 That's what we need to teach. That he knows this is a bad thing and dirty for his eye and bad for his eye and Allah will also know whether he averts his eyes or not. And that he has fear of Allah [Arabic]. And when he sees something like that, he says [Arabic]. He averts his eyes and then he looks somewhere else. If you do not teach him that he will keep looking and he continues to do what you do not want him to do. Whether it's in your presence or stealthy. If you do not learn how he should deal with music and that music is [haram] and that if he hears music he should close his ears or has to change the situation, or should go to another place, has to say [Arabic] then he will not be able to do that and not abide by the rules.

 47:17 But you must have provided him a lot of control mechanisms already, how he can control his emotions. That he should abhor something like that. That his[Arabic] does not incline to that. That's really important. That upbringing of the inner self is very important. That if he, for example, now I'm going to say something very strange that most people will find very strange. When, for example, he sees a church he should say [Arabic]; turn away his head and know that [shirk] is there. Why? Because the fact is, dear brothers and sisters, that when someone continues to see again and again, [Shirk], sins, filth. What happens to the heart? .... Huh? (Imam asks the audience).... Pavlov: extinction of the reflex, (desensitization). Sorry! .... The heart gets used to it; The heart considers it as normal. And that's the first step towards evil and immorality.

 48:41 This is the first step towards evil and immorality. And therefore you also must always, after you taught him your emotion, how he must control that, teach him how he can shield himself from these things. Avoid seeing these things by averting his gaze. If he sees McDonalds avert his gaze away from McDonalds, from that big M. Instead of asking you: can I go there? He says, "yuk", here they eat pork. Filth. We must teach this to our children. So they have a protection against this society. In the back of our minds, we need to know very well, we do not belong here. It is not a coincidence the Prophet [Arabic] says: I distance myself from those who live among the infidels. The companions asked; how big should that distance be?

 49:43 He said he should not see his fire. So basically, it is now compared to a lamp. You should keep such a distance from an unbeliever so it will not become an easy matter for you, not an ordinary thing to see every day dirt, disbelief, immorality, evil every day and finally says to everyone: dude, no problem, just an infidel, let them do what they want. Sure, you have to let them do what they want, but you should not consider it's normal. That's a big risk. Just a brief summary. First, we have made it clear that the source of the education is Al Quran and the Sunna.

 50:38 The purpose of the upbringing is the satisfaction of [Arabic]. The education has two components. The upbringing of the inner and outer self. Upbringing of the heart and education of the limbs. In the Netherlands it is very important we adopt a form of protection-upbringing. We teach our children how to protect themselves from the daily attacks, again and again, by the [Arabic] of [Arabic]. TV, pictures, outdoors, friends, school and so on. Advertising. How can they control themselves in it.

 51:34 We start at the heart and end at the body. How they can recuperate when they find themselves in certain sinful situations. And we should first gain knowledge about the rules of [Arabic] and, second obtain knowledge about education. Gain knowledge about how we should behave or how we should conduct our upbringing. We also have courses for at IVOE, called family science. There you will learn, you have three phases actually. First stage: How can I control myself and educate myself. Second stage: How can I maintain my marriage in the proper Islamic way. In it you will learn to solve problems. How to deal with your spouse, with your wife, how do you choose your partner, and so on. And the third stage: How can I in real live bring up my child.

 52:39 From the intellectual upbringing to the sexual education to .. .. all sorts of upbringings you encounter. So it is important you are aware, more aware of the fact that there are dangers around you are, you sometimes or often do not see and you should oppose them and take measures against them. We also have facebook page called parenting boost. In it you will find easy and simple steps to must educate your child as well.

 53:24 It's called parenting-boost. But, ultimately, the real solution is we find the right environment for our children. What is this proper environment? An Islamic country. This is a very important matter, we must move to an Islamic country or, of course, Islamize the host country; one of the ways to paradise so the upbringing is done correctly and the environment is a proper environment too. And [Arabic] I will give even more practical tips and [Arabic], which will be the subject of my next workshop or lecture [Arabic]






































